miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013

Wavelets- Image Compression

For this Homework the objective was to design a program that was able to apply compression to images using wavelets and then test it and get to a conclusion. In my case i already worked with wavelets on another homework that i did for computer vision Lab. First of all i will talk about some important information and then i will explain the program and apply it to some images to test it.


Pywavelets its a free open source wavelet transform software for python, it is very easy to use i worked with it using one of many of its features, i worked with 2D Forward and Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform only but it includes many other features you can look for more information about this library in:

It can be installed by using the next line code on any linux terminal:

sudo apt-get install python-pywt

This module is needed to be able to work with the program that i will show.

Wavelet Compression

It is a form of data compression commonly used in image compression but it can also apply for video or audio. A good example of wavelet compression usage is JPEG 2000. The objective of wavelet compression is to store image data in  as little spaces possible in a file, it can be consider either lossless or lossy, in other words what we do is to keep the transient elements of data signal and represent them with a smaller amount of information.

¿How does it work?

First of all we choose a wavelet to work with it and we apply it, this will generate as many coefficients as there are pixels on the image, the coefficients concentrate all the information in arrays inside of them, from this coefficients we can then apply compression.

Image Decomposition

Because the method with wish i work is DWT(Discrete Wavelet Transform) i will explain more about it. When we apply DWT to an image we will obtain 4 coefficients. 

                            |        |        |
                            | cA(LL) | cH(LH) |
                            |        |        |
(cA, (cH, cV, cD))  <--->   -------------------
                            |        |        |
                            | cV(HL) | cD(HH) |
                            |        |        |
  • cA: Approximation Coefficient
  • cH: Horizontal Detail Coefficient
  • cV: Vertical Detail Coefficient
  • cD: Diagonal Detail Coefficient
We can then apply each of the coefficients to create new images that will show each detail contained in each coefficient. In the approximation coefficient we will get a white kind image that will contain most of the original information, all of the others as there name says contain details.

Image Compression

Now days we have Cameras that can take excellent pictures of really high resolution the problem is when we want to transfer them to another computes or upload it to internet, that's why we have programs to apply image compression to make it still visible but easier to manipulate it, with image compression we refer to reduce irrelevance and redundancy of the image data in order to be able to store or transmit data in an efficient form.

Types of Compression

  • Lossy: Remove irrelevance and redundancy getting high compression ratios but unable to restore the original image completely.
  • Loseless: It is possible to recover the original image without any loss.

Some good examples of the type of image compression can be found in the different image formats that we can found, for example JPEG based on DCT(Discrete Cosine Transform) taking 8x8 blocks from the image and applying DCT. One disadvantage of JPEG its that it is  consider as a lossy format but with high compression ratios going from 10:1 to 100:1. A good example for a loseless format is GIF it has lower compression ratios but we dont have information loss and can be completely restored, compression ratios go from 4:1 to 10:1.


Now i will explain the code part by part as i already said i used python pywavelet library to work with wavelets using DWT and haar wavelet.

I used the dwt2() function used for applying Discrete Wavelet Transfor to 2 dimensions, the function requires 2 parameters to work:


Data: Array or Matrix with the information of the pixels.
Wavelet: We choose a wavelet in this case haar.

In my computer vision homework first i applied gray scale and image re-size i will remove this because i discovered that i was getting extra compression from this steps but the intention is to work only with wavelets.

So the first step will be to generate the array or matrix to input as data on the function.

Then we will use the function that i already explained to generate the 4 coefficients, we get 4 coefficients because we are working with 2D when we work with 1D we only use 2 coefficients, so as we already mention we send the array and choose the wavelet in this case haar.

Now that we have the 4 coefficients we will create a new image for each of them, also we will need to apply a filter because the generating arrays from the coefficients contain negative numbers and numbers that pass 255 so this cant be included on and image, what we do is to create a filter any negative value will be 0 and any value that pass 255 will be 255 any other value will remain the same, after fixing the array we apply it to a new image generating the coefficient images.

We create a function to enumerate each of the coefficients

And then we apply the filter

After we have the 4 images i created a function to evaluate each of them, i take in consideration for the test the used coefficient, the percentage of compression in base of the original image and the new image created, also i evaluate the time of compression of each image.

But this will only give us the compression ratio of each of the coefficients of course they will be really compressed because they are divided in 4 images. To get the real compression ratio we will need to apply an invert function taking as parameters the coefficients that we created. The function we will use is idwt() and will take as parameters the 4 coefficients and the used wavelet for compression.

To evaluate this i used the same method as in the "pruebas" function but i put it all in the main.


I will try different Images, different levels, different sizes and different image formats to see the results and get to a conclusion.


Level 1 this means that the input image is the original image:

Original Image




As we can see in the results we get a 26% compression rate on the final image not that big but it is good also it took almost 3 seconds to compress it.

Level 2, the input for this will be the Approximation Coefficient image.

Input Image



As we can see we don't get any more compression we didn't get 1% and because of this the process is really quick too.Now i will try with a big size image

Level 1

Original-Input Image




As we can see a bigger image makes a bigger compression time in this case we got a 6% compression rate not that good for the time it took to make only a 6%.

Level 2

Input Image




Again just like last example we don't get any more compression and because of this the time is really low. The last JPG example will be a small image.

Original Image




Here we get some interesting results, as we can see on the compressed image instead of getting a compression we recover more data from the image making it a little bigger than it was.

Level 2

Input Image




Now in this case for level 2 image we did get some compression, in level 1 we were getting a bigger image, in level 2 we get really low compression not even 1% but at least we did get some, the time as we already know depends on the size.


For this test i will try to get PNG images with almost the same size to see if we get similar results.I will start with the medium image. To work with PNG we just have to add to our code the support for RGBA





Comparing the results of this image with the JPG we can see that we get similar compression percentage but the time is almost the double.

Level 2





In this case for level 2 we got similar results compared to JPG but as with last test we get more compression time. The next test will be with the large size image.





In this case in comparison with the JPG image we got bigger compression rate and less time






In this example we got a larger image what i can see in comparison with JPG is that the coefficient images are very detailed even in level 2 they keep a high grade of detail in comparison with JPG that even in level 1 the quality of details in coefficients is very low. The last test will be with the small image.




In this case in comparison with the JPG we did get a compression and a big one with a good time.

Level 2


And for this last example we didn't get any compression, we even get negative values, we can also see that the coefficient images quality is really low it may depend of the type of image.


In conclusion with all the tests that i did with the different formats and different images is that we get better compression rates and better times in JPG  because they already have a big compression rate because of the format the only weird thing the i find was in the case of the small image where i didn't get a compression rate, i even try with other images from the same size that i didn't include in the report and i kept getting the same results, in the other hand we have the PNG format test where we got a little more time and more or less the same compression, i think it takes more time because it doesn't have a big compression like the JPG format, another think i saw was that the coefficients images from the PNG format have more details, this must be because the image looks in a good quality thanks to the PNG format. For the level 2 compression the results weren't good you don't really get good compression on the inverse image just on the coefficients.

Complete Code


  • En.wikipedia.org (2010) Image compression - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [online] Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image_compression [Accessed: 29 May 2013].
  • Wasilewski, F. (2006) PyWavelets - Discrete Wavelet Transform in Python — PyWavelets Documentation. [online] Available at: http://www.pybytes.com/pywavelets/ [Accessed: 29 May 2013].
  • Henao González, A. (n.p.) Compresión de imágenes usando la transformada de wavelet y el algoritmo de Huffman. [e-book] Manizales: [Accessed: 24 May 2013].
  • En.wikipedia.org (2000) Wavelet transform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [online] Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wavelet_transform [Accessed: 29 May 2013].

1 comentario:

  1. Pues, esto es suficiente para justificar los 7+8=15 con los cuales pasas la materia.
